Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Word of the Day is "Pua Kiele"

Hawaiian Pua Kiele

Aloha mai kākou,

I had come across a blooming bush of gardenia, and have selected it as our word of the day….. “pua kiele” (poo wah kee yeh lay….. ‘to emit fragrance’). Pua kiele, or the Hawaiian gardenia, shares the same genus as the coffee family, Rubiaceae. It was named after a naturalist named Alexander Garden and brought with the early Chinese immigrants. Its sweet perfume is unforgettable, and it was made quite famous by jazz singer Billie Holiday.

My grandma had tons of gardenia bushes in the backyard of our Kahalu`u house. There had to be at least 20 bushes or more that were laden in blooms, and you could smell them from the road above. Whenever I see or get a waft of them, the smell always reminds me of her and grandpa. They can be full with tiny black bugs called thrips, so be advised to inspect it, before you inhale…. I’m not kidding! Lol. It's wise to spray the buds, leaves, and stems with an insecticidal soap, or do what we did…. Collect your laundry rinse cycle water as a spray. It's economical and good for the environment!

A hui hou,


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