Aloha mai kākou ,
I was inspired by our website ‘’ to pick today’s
Hawaiian Word of the day…..Honu. Honu (pronounced ho-noo) or Hawaiian
green sea turtle, is highly regarded as a symbol of good luck, wisdom and
longevity, to the Hawaiian people. With such prestige, they were only
eaten by royalty in ancient times, because of the aforementioned traits. They
are also held sacred as ‘aumakua (pronounced ow-mah-coo-wah), or special life
guardians to some families.
The honu is exclusively, the lone indigenous reptile of
Hawai’i. Ancient Hawaiians were not wasteful people, and used every part of the
honu for food, tools and hooks etc. Today, they are listed as an
endangered species, and are protected by laws, to ensure its survival.
There are many sightings of the green sea turtle, throughout Hawai’i. On
the Big Island, they are a common sight to see, at many of the beaches along
the coast. It is a criminal misdemeanor offense to harm, posess, capture
or kill any turtle.

A little story to share about the President of 2Honu, Steve
Lee. While making wedding plans in Texas, he and his wife (my niece),
called me in search of an origami artist, who could design the japanese
tradition of 1001 gold cranes, into the shape of 2 turtles. I was lucky
to find a woman, who made them, in Hilo. When I saw it, I was totally
mesmerized by the beauty and essence of what it meant. It was absolutely
breathtaking. When he came up with the name, 2Honu…… It was just
perfect. I hope you enjoyed today’s word, and don’t forget to come back
tomorrow for another edition of 2Honu Hawaiian Word of the Day.
A hui hou,
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